Video Remote Interpreting, also know as VRI, is a video communication service that uses devices such as web cameras, video phones, or iPads to provide sign language or spoken language interpreting services. This is done through a remote or offsite interpreter, in order to communicate with persons with whom there is a communication barrier.

It is similar to a slightly different technology called Video Relay Service (VRS), where the parties are each located in different places. VRI is a type of Telecommunication Relay Service (TRS) that is not regulated by the Federal Communication Commission.

This service is perfect for those settings where a Sign Language or Spoken Language Interpreter is not available or when the amount of time needed is minimal and VRI would be more cost effective for your company or business.

Hands in Motion offers both last minute and pre-scheduled VRI services. Whether you are interested in ad hoc services or a package in which a discount is applied when a guaranteed number of minutes are committed to per month, Hands in Motion can help you find the best fit for your needs.

For more information about Video Remote Interpreting, please view the Registry of Interpreter’s Video Remote Interpreting Standard Practice Papers.


Communication Access Real-Time Translation, also known as CART, is a computer aided transcription service. The National Court Reporters Association (NCRA) describes CART services as “the instant translation of the spoken word into English text using a steno-type machine, notebook computer and real-time software.”

The text produced by the CART service can be displayed on an individual’s computer monitor, projected onto a screen, combined with a video presentation to appear as captions, or otherwise made available using other transmission and display systems.

CART allows Deaf and Hard of Hearing people to have equal access to spoken language through captioning. Hands in Motion utilizes highly skilled CART reporters with experience in the field. This service is perfect for those settings where a someone who is a late-deafened adult or has never learned Sign Language to still have equal access to the information being provided.

Remote CART is also provided which simply requires an internet connection and enables a reporter to provide services off site.

Hands in Motion offers both on-site and remote CART services. Whether you are interested in on-site or remote or not sure what is best to suit your needs, Hands in Motion can help you find the best fit for your needs.